For Claim Intimation / Claim registration:
Claim Registration:- 9801237717 & 9802336465
(Niraj Shakya, Saroj Kumar Singh & Amir Kumar Bista)

For Commercial Vehicle Claim:
Screening & Processing:- 9801237718 & 9802320819
(Siumal Kumar Shahi, Deepu Khadka & Ajay Banjade)

For Private Vehicle Claim:
Screening & Processing:- 9802320818
(Sunil Luhar & Babi Shree Rayamajhi)

For Motorcycle Claim:
Screening & Processing:- 9802320821
(Pabitra Nepal)

For Viber/Whatsapp & Fast Track Related Claim:
9801235128 (Only For Messages & Documents)
Covid - 19 Claim


Akash Bhat - 9802320830
Daruin Joshi - 9802336451
१ बीमालेखको प्रति
२ पूर्ण रुपले भरेको दावी फारम
३ होम आइसोलेसनमा बसेको खण्डमा स्थानीय निकायबाट प्रमाणित कागजात
४ अस्पताल र / वा क्वारेन्टिनमा बसेको खण्डमा डिस्चार्ज सिट
५ नेपाल सरकारको आधिकारिक परिचयपत्र जस्तै नागरिकताको प्रतिलिपि
६ पिसीआर रिपोर्टको सक्कल प्रति
७ उपचारको खण्डमा सो को बिल र / वा नगदी रसिदको सक्कल प्रतिहरु
  • Location - Head Office

    Shikhar Biz Centre,Thapathali,
  • Working Hours

    9:30-4:30pm (Sunday-Friday)
    9:30-3:00pm (Friday - for Branches)
  • Phone No.

    01-5346101 (Head Office)

Home Insurance

Home Insurance is one of the most reliable ways to ascertain the safety of your home from unexpected damages that may occur. It is a type of policy that covers the losses and damages to an individual’s house and assets in the home upto the sum insured of 2 crores. 


  1. Fire hazard
  2. Air hazard
  3. Water hazard
  4. Land hazard
  5. Land based loss
  6. Falling based loss
  7. Lighting based loss
  8. Explosion based loss
  9. Aerial based loss
  10. Impact based loss
  11. Self-ignition
  12. RSMDST risks
  13. Other loss

Other Benefits

  1. Architect, engineer or surveyor fee
  2. Displacement of debris
  3. Accident
  4. Theft, burglary, robbery


  1. Consequential loss
  2. Breakage of equipment
  3. Electrical equipment
  4. Information and facts in the computer
  5. Damage caused by the authorized body
  6. Radiated substances and molecular chemical and biological weapons
  7. War or war like situation
  8. Theft due to following reasons
  9. Accident due to the following
  10. Other Loss

Issued Date: 2004-11-17

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